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Sandra Cisneros Interviewed by Mexican Journalist & Author Elena Poniatowska in La Jornada

Erasmo Guerra

La escritora chicana reconocida en el mundo: Sandra Cisneros

"Desde hace cuatro años, 2013, Sandra Cisneros vive en San Miguel de Allende. De vuelta a sus orígenes, a la sombra del templo color salmón, ha construido su casa. Aunque su idioma no era el español, todos sus libros giran en torno a México. La casa en Mango Street es una biblia escolar y nos remite a los traumas y a las esperanzas de una niña, Esperanza, que vive en Chicago y se siente distinta a todos..."

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Short Books with Big Stories

Erasmo Guerra

Off the Shelf

The House on Mango Street made the “Little List: 11 Short Books with Big Stories” over at Off the Shelf. They write, “these short tales pack quite the punch in under 200 pages. Though these books won’t take you much time to read, I’m sure they will stay with you for some time after you finish.”

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'Read Outside Your Borders'

Erasmo Guerra

 Brooklyn Magazine

"We need to get more international. Given the sharp turn rightward in America and the world, I hope that event folks at bookstores all across the country start putting together more and more programs for books and authors in translation. It's already a trend in several stores across the country, in places like Chicago, San Francisco and Houston, not to mention right here in Brooklyn. But I want to see Can Xue in Cleveland, or László Krasznahorkai in Tuscaloosa, or Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o in Albuquerque. You know how you fight fascism? Read outside your borders."

--Hal Hlavinka, Community Bookstore's events coordinator and one of Brooklyn Magazine's "100 Most Influential People in Brooklyn Culture 2017

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